Our community thrives when we work together for good.
Discover how your help furthers our cause and supports our vital programs. See what we do.
We have been providing life sustaining medications, dental care, diabetes education and medical equipment for over 60 years. Learn more!
It's easy to set up monthly automatic payments. Even just $5 a month makes a difference! Help support your community by giving back to our critical health care programs today!
Request a Better Health team member to attend your health fair, or speak to your group!
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A special thank you goes to our Corporate Sponsors for supporting each of our three fundraisers!
Discover how your help furthers our cause and supports our vital programs. See what we do.
Our mission is to provide for the unmet healthcare needs in Cumberland County through assistance, referral, and education. Learn more about how to make a contribution that supports Better Health... forever!
“Better Health of Cumberland County helped me find a community of support to better my life and lives of my children.”
Congratulations to all of our award recipients. Thank you all for your dedication to Better Health. We are very grateful for your wonderful contributions towards the accomplishment of our mission.
We want to say "Thank You" to Women's Giving Circle for your grant award to Better Health! We are grateful for your continuous support of our mission. You make a difference!