Browse our photo gallery to watch our volunteers and constituents in action.

Previous Board President Dr. Susan Miller honored with the Ruth Peters Award by our current Board President Cyndi Levene and Executive Director Christiana Adeyemi

Dedication of Executive Office in Memory of Judy Klinck January 25, 2023

Board Member Susan Miller, Director of Pharmacotherapy Education at the Southern Regional Area Health Education Center, reviews prescriptions

Fans and players watch the 2022 "Diabetes.. Dodge It!!" Dodgeball competition in action!

Our Board of Directors President, Cyndi Levine donated a quadriplegic shower chair to one of our Corporate Sponsors, Cape Fear Valley Health department of rehabilitation and physical therapy. This chair will allow proper transportation and stabilization of quadriplegic patients while bathing.

Better Health Executive Director Christiana Adeyemi, Board President Cyndi Levine, Board Member Laurie Cherry and one of the cast members from "Jelly's Last Jam" enjoying a behind the curtains picture before the show. Evening at the Theater 2023, hosted at the Cape Fear Regional Theatre, Fayetteville, NC.

Board members Susan Miller and Jim Kerchmar along with former Executive Director of Better Health, Judy Klinck.

Just one of Better Health's many success stories! She was caught off guard by a diagnosis of diabetes but is able to manage it effectively with the education and referral resources Better Health offered!

Another successful day at clinic!

Better Health Employees excited about our 2022 Red Apple Run

Mr. and Mrs. Flowers came dressed to impress.

We are proud to have been able to help this handsome little man with transportation up to UNC for medical appointments.