Many thanks to our generous grantors who have enabled us to provide services in our area!
The United Way of Cumberland County is a truly amazing supporter of Better Health. Their organization supports numerous local nonprofits and programs like Dolly Parton's Imagination Library! Their support provides operational support to our core programs, meaning that YOUR donations can go directly to client aid like prescriptions and dental care! After Hurricane Matthew, UWCC opened up an additional grant opportunity to its partner agencies. Better Health was awarded $7,000 to assist hurricane victims through direct aid and emergency diabetes kits.
Women's Giving Circle of Cumberland County, a fund of the Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. awarded Better Health $8,814 in 2020 to sustain the Fayetteville Fit childhood obesity program. This program offers a safe, inclusive environment for obese children and tehir entire families, to change lifestyle habits by becoming active and working with a dietitian!
The Elizabeth A. Hudspeth Endowment of Cumberland Community Foundation, Inc. provided $8,458 in 2019 for Diabetes Education programming needs.
The Duke Endowment has provided Better Health with one year of funding for its ARCHES Fayetteville Fit Childhood Obesity program, beginning in September of 2018. The funding will cover salary expenses for the Program Connector as well as equipment costs for the initial year.
Cumberland County Community Development Block Grant also supports Better Health, providing much needed funds for our emergency direct aid program to low income residents.
In 2019, the Kiwanis Club of the Cape Fear also contributed to our Direct Aid program, providing funds for low income clients with urgent medical needs.
Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, St. Johns Episcopal Church and several other local churches are generous, consistent supporters of our emergency direct aid program. 100% of their donations go directly to clients in need.
Bank of America also contributed $2,500 towards the emergency direct aid program in 2018 and 2023
Food Lion FEEDS contributed $3,000 to Better Health for healthy snacks and vegetables for clients to try in 2019!
Youth Growth Stock Trust (managed by the United Way) awarded Better Health funds for its Childhood Obesity Prevention program in 2019
Junior League of Fayetteville - We want to say "Thank You" to Junior League of Fayetteville for your 2023 grant award to Better Health! We are grateful for your continuous support of our mission. You make a difference!
Other important sources of funding are individual and corporate donors. Whether $5 a month from a family or $2000 from a corporation at a fundraising event, these contributions matter! Every bit helps keep Better Health running and able to assist clients in need of our services! View our current Corporate Sponsors!

We are so grateful to the Cumberland Community Foundation for awarding Better Health with the "Field of Interest Grant" towards our Diabetes Education Program! We appreciate this award and are so thankful for your support of our mission!