We are so blessed to have amazing volunteers. Some of whom have been with us for more than a decade! If you are interested in helping us bring better health to Cumberland County residents, please view the list of volunteer opportunities. If you find one of interest, please print and mail in the volunteer form or submit online below. A team member will be in touch to let you know the upcoming orientation date.
For those interested in applying for the Board of Directors, please submit a resume to director@betterhealthcc.org for review by the Personnel and Nominating Committee.

Volunteer Opportunities Available:
Special Events Community Outreach
Committee member
Office volunteer
Spanish translator
Board of Directors
Lead Fayetteville Fit Youth activities
Activities can include a game or sport of your choice, such as dance, running, soccer, gymnastics, etc. (held on Tuesdays and Fridays 6-8 pm. Can volunteer as often or as seldom as you like). Must complete a background check and sign Child Protection Policy
Tuesday morning Diabetes Clinic volunteer (Tues 8-11)
Grays Creek Diabetes Clinic volunteer (Weds 9-12 once a month)
Spring Lake Diabetes Clinic volunteer (2nd Weds of the month 9-12)
Thursday evening Take Charge of Diabetes volunteer (6:30-8 pm)
If you select Fayetteville Fit or another option working specifically with children, you must sign and return the attached Child Protection Policy BEFORE volunteering. You may send the form to director@betterhealthcc.org